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X9 portable game console
X9 portable game console
106.81 $

X9 portable game console

X9 portable game console
X9 portable game console
X9 portable game console

X9 Portable Game Console with Lots of Games ...

..wins TV-out, headphone jack, rechargeable battery, and external speaker.

Did you love the portable gaming consoles of the old days? Now we're going to show you one with a super wide screen!

Thanks to its small size, you can take it anywhere with you , whether it's in your pocket or in a small bag. You can beat the boring moments with exciting games, be it a tiring bus ride, a highway, waiting in the office, it will be a perfect relaxation! Compared to being so small, it was equipped with everything; With TV-out, headphone jack, rechargeable battery and external speaker . Also energy efficient.

Your device has a battery, a charger and a headset!
The console can be connected to analog and flat screen TVs, so you can play on a huge screen.

In addition to the pre-installed games, you can download other 8,16,32,64,128-bit games to your X9 console. The perfect partner for reliving the old gaming experience.

You can't just play games, watch movies, listen to music, view pictures, and read books.

The product also has an ENGLISH menu.

Package Contents:

  • 1 console (with battery)

  • 1 earpiece

  • 1 USB cable charger

  • 1 English description

  • 500 pre-installed games

In stock   (294 db)
106.81 $
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