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3D printer pen with gift filler
3D printer pen with gift filler
44.94 $

3D printer pen with gift filler

3D printer pen with gift filler
3D printer pen with gift filler
3D printer pen with gift filler
3D printer pen with gift filler

3D printer pen with gift filler

If you want to get creative and create something very special by hand, this product is for you.
With 3D printing, you can easily draw almost anything in space from a cottage to a complete city
Use is limited only by your imagination.

The 3D pen heats up plastic sticks and then the molten material escapes through its tip, which can solidify very quickly and create a durable structure.
Draw in the air or use patterns to create a truly lasting one
The biggest and most spectacular technical innovation of recent times may already be available to you.

pipa Use this 3D pen to really unleash your imagination.
pipa One of today's biggest technical innovations is now available to you.
pipa Don’t stick with traditional 2D drawings, you’ll enjoy the 3D experience from now on.

Adapter: 100-240V 12V2A
Weight: 62g
Nozzle diameter: 0.7mm > Plastic thread (filling): 1.75 mm (diameter)

Package Contents:

- 3D printer pen
- Adapter > - Starter Color Pack

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